The villages surrounding Gainsborough are very active, each offering a variety of regular weekly and monthly activities in their halls and churches. Look out for concerts, dramas, talks and craft fairs too. See below for regular meetings and events. Keep watching this page!
Village Book Club. 7pm - 9pm. £2 includes refreshments.
Established 1948. Outdoor Lawn Bowls for active & social wellbeing. Mid – April to end September. Coaching available for inexperienced players. Bowling Green adjacent to Beckingham Village Hall. DN10 4FX, off roundabout at junction of A631 & A620. New members welcome – telephone 07935 549045.
Weekly Coffee Morning. Refreshments, Chat and Raffle. 10am to 11.30am. Beckingham Village Hall. All Welcome.
Coffee Stop. 11am to 3pm. All welcome to this very lively club!
Beckingham & District Gardeners’ Club meet in the Rec Room at 7.30 pm on the 3rd Mon of each month. “If you are interested in gardening, the environment or related subjects, why not come along. As well as talks from gardeners and naturalists, members socialise and have summer trips to gardens and places of gardening interest.” Phone Pat Hooton 01427 890357 / 07776060247 for details.
Line Dancing at Beckingham & Saundby village hall. 7pm start and £5 per session. Phone Paul for further details on 07977 879641.
Organised by the WI but open to all, the Rummikub Club meets on the last Monday of the month from 7pm - 9pm. For more details phone Angela 01427 848978.
The Beckingham & Saundby History Group meet mostly on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm in Beckingham Village Hall. Annual membership is £15. Entry to events is £4.00 per non-member. Contact Maxine Downes 01427 848189 for more details. See Forthcoming Events below for their latest scheduled talks.
Monthly Coffee Morning includes cakes, baps and a raffle. 10am - noon at Blyton Village Hall. Phone 07881 664273 to confirm dates.
Monthly Eyes Down. 2pm onwards. Saturdays at Blyton Village Hall. Refreshments served half time. Plus Raffle. Phone 07881 664273 to confirm dates.
For details of Blyton WI and to make contact visit the national WI website
The Corringham Craft Club meets every Monday 2pm - 4pm. Bring your own craft or just turn up for a natter. £3 per session including tea and biscuits. Corringham Village Hall. For more info phone Jo 01427 838223.
Coffee Morning. Tea, coffee and homemade cakes served the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. 9am - 11am. Corringham Village Hall. Everyone welcome.
Monthly Quiz Night. Starts 8pm. Teas and coffee served and raffle. £3.50 per session. Held last Monday each month. Corringham Village Hall. Phone Jo 01427 838223 for further details.
Eyes down for the monthly Bingo session. 2pm start. All welcome. Phone Jo 01427 838223 for further details.
"By joining Young Farmers you have the opportunity to gain and develop skills, work within your community, take part in FUN competitions, and enjoy a dynamic social life plus so MUCH more."
Ages 13 - 28yrs. For time and venue details phone 07958 472646 or 07932 434118.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga class run by Angela of Viking Yoga. 6.30pm -7.30pm. Corringham Village Hall. For more details visit
Hatha Yoga class run by Angela of Viking Yoga. 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Corringham Village Hall. For more details visit
Chair Yoga class run by Angela of Viking Yoga. 11.15am - 12.15pm. Corringham Village Hall. For more details visit
Knit & Natter club meets at Gringley Community Centre every Weds 10.00-12.00. £3 per session.
Exercise for the over 50's class. Mondays 10am - 10.45am. £6 per session. Gringley Community Centre. Phone Annie 07961 187834 for details.
Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi classes. Thursdays. 7pm start. £6 per session. Gringley Community Centre. Phone Annie 07961 187834 for details.
Gringley History Club holds regular meetings/talks/events throughout the year. For more details visit
The Gringley WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Gringley Community Centre. Visit for an overview of the organisation. For more details of the Gringley branch contact 01777 818823.
Weekly Whist Drive held Thurs 2pm
at Knaith Village Hall.
Contact Pat 01427 629250.
Weekly Whist Drive held Mon 7pm at the Methodist schoolroom Laughton. Contact Margo 01427 628830 or Pat 01427 629250.
Gentle Yoga class run by Angela of Viking Yoga. 9.30 am -10.30 am. Lea Village Hall. For more details visit
Twice monthly Craft Club meets at Lea Methodist Church 10-11.30am. Bring your own craft or try others or just come for the chat! All welcome.
Pilates class run by Nicky Bruce. Tuesdays 9.30am to 10.30am. Lea Village Hall. For more details contact Nicky: 07413 855 580.
Ageing Actively exercise class run by Liz Clews of Vital Stepping Stones. 10am to 11am. Wednesdays. Lea Village Hall. For details of other courses visit Tel Liz 0775 196 4832.
The Lea WI offers a wide range of activities and meets up on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. Visit for an overview of the organisation. For more details of the Lea branch contact 01427 615382 or 01427 616070.
Monthly Coffee Morning (and cake!) 10.30am - 12pm. Chat and make new friends. Book Swap. £2.50pp. Lea Village Hall. Be assured of a warm welcome
Adult Youth Club. Enjoy games, chat and good company! 2pm - 3.30pm. Marton Methodist Centre. High Street, Marton. All Welcome.
Monthly Brews & Books. Enjoy tea, coffee, and cake and browse the book stall. 10am to 12pm. Third Saturday of each month. Marton Methodist Centre. High Street, Marton. All Welcome.
Chair Yoga class run by Angela of Viking Yoga. 10am - 11am. Marton Village Hall. For more details visit
Coffee Morning. 10.30 - 11.30am. Church Room, Church Lane. £2 for freshly baked scones and tea/coffee plus £1 for raffle (optional). All Welcome.
Men's Breakfast Club. Chat and Chill. 10am start. £6 for breakfast roll and tea/coffee. Chat comes free! Haxey Gate Inn. Misterton. For more details phone Rick 01427 891376.
"Training is on Tues & Thurs 5pm onwards. People can come and go as they please. Free! We play in a midweek league on Weds 6pm T20 and play a friendly match on Sundays." See Facebook Misterton Phoenix Cricket Club or contact Jess 07774 238123 for details.
Coffee Morning. 10am - 11am. Thursdays. Misterton Methodist Hall/School Room. All Welcome.
All levels welcome to the Brushstrokes Art Group. The club meets every Friday from 11am - 1pm at the Church Room, Church Lane, Misterton. For more details contact Joanne on 07962 147853 or Sandra on 07808 480892.
Misterton Bowls Club runs from April to September each year at the Misterton Sports Ground. All levels and ages welcome. Contact David on 01427 890936 for more details.
Misterton Gardeners Club meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the Church Room, Church Lane, Misterton. For more details contact Joanne on 07962 147853 or Sandra on 07808 480892.
“We are a friendly group of people who enjoy creating art in a relaxed atmosphere at the Eau Centre in Scotter each Wednesday. Sessions run from 9.30 am to 11.30 am and cost just £3 per session. We welcome new members and would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to find out more. Contact us either by email: or call in to see us any Wednesday”.
Scotter Bowls Club opens every April and welcomes new members. Has multiple teams competing in leagues and competitions. Situated on Scotton Rd near the Scotter Village Hall. Contact Stephanie Parman on 01724 761820 for more details.
Weekly Grace Church Coffee Morning. Thursdays 10am - 1pm. The Eau Centre. Contact Joseph, 07882 639062 for more details. All welcome.
Organised by the Grace Church this weekly craft group is open to all. 2pm - 4pm. Contact Angie Burch on 07751 420996 for details.
Weekly Coffee Morning Fridays 10am - 12noon. Small donation towards refreshments. Contact Janet Cooper 01724 762635. All welcome.
Display of Scotter memorabilia. Come along to view or bring along photos and memories to share.
Tuesdays 10am to 12pm and second Saturday of month 10am to 12pm. Scotter Methodist Chapel. Contact Sue Mumby 07585 447725 for details. Please note the centre will be closed during the summer school holidays.
New Age Kurling. Mondays 2.15pm - 3.50pm. Scotter Village Hall. New members always welcome. £3 per session (includes refreshments). Contact Sue Mumby 07585 447725 for details.
The Scotter Short Mat Bowls club meet every Friday 3.30pm - 5.30pm at Scotter Village Hall. £3 per session. Phone 07704 058155 for details.
Scotter Tennis Club welcomes new players of any age and ability. Club night is on Tuesdays. The Club also takes part in local league matches. Phone 07932 150982 for more details.
Weekly Textile Group meets on Mondays 2pm - 4pm at the Methodist Chapel, Scotter. Includes knitting and sewing and chat! £2 per session. All welcome. Contact Vera Johnson 01724 763513 for details.
Weekly Whist Drive held Tues 7pm at the Methodist Schoolroom Scotter. Contact Philip 01724 867902.
Weekly Women's Social Club. Varied activities. 2pm onwards. Contact Janet Cooper 01724 762635. All welcome.
For details of Scotter WI and to make contact visit the national WI website
Scotton Art Group meet on Wednesdays 9.30am - 12.30am. Scotton Village Hall. For details contact Chrissie Wood 07713 807398. Please note these meetings are term time only.
The Eau Valley Singers meet on alternate Monday evenings
7pm - 9pm at Scotton Village Hall. New members always welcome. Contact Kate on 07765008343 for more details. Next meeting Mon June 10th.
Scotton Folk Night is held on the 2nd Weds of each month at The Three Horseshoes in Scotton. 7.30pm onwards.
Weekly Quiz Night at The Three Horse Shoes in Scotton. The event starts at 9pm. Entry is £1 per person, with all entry proceeds going to charity.
For details of Scotton WI and to make contact visit the national WI website
Lucy's Fitness Yoga & Pilates Fusion classes. Various classes. Tuesdays from 6.15pm. See website for details. Kexby cum Upton Village Hall. Bookings & info
The Upton cum Kexby Short Mat Bowls club meet on Thursdays at 7.30pm from Sept - April. For more details contact 01427 838347.
"Chatterbox" Teas, coffee, biscuits and chat. 10.30am - 12pm. Raffle and Bring and Buy. Refreshments. £1. Third Weds of each month. All Saint's Church, Upton. All welcome.
The Friendship Club at Upton has a variety of activities including bingo, crafts and trips plus teas and chat! Meeting are on Thursdays 2pm - 4pm every two weeks at Upton Methodist Chapel. All welcome.
The Upton cum Kexby WI offers a wide range of activities and meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. Visit for an overview of the organisation. For more details of the branch contact 01427 838347.
Over 50's weekly Aerobics and Pilates class. 9.15am - 10.15am. Walkeringham Village Hall. £6 per session. For more information and details of other classes visit or phone Sue 07793 195959.
Beginners Steps Aerobics class. 9.15am - 10.00am. Walkeringham Village Hall. £6 per session. For more information and details of other classes visit or phone Sue 07793 195959.
Monthly Coffee Morning. Tea, coffee, nibbles, bring and buy stall and raffle. 10.30-11.45am. All welcome.
Marton Playgroup. £2 per family. 9am to 11am. Thursdays, Marton Village Hall. For more details phone Faye 07824 813643.
Rhymes, songs and stories. 2.30pm weekly at Misterton Library.
Mini Kicks Football aimed at 3-6 year olds. Saturday mornings between 10am -11am. Misterton Sports Field. All sessions are FREE! For more info please contact Emma on 07999 340079."
"We are a small rural club and welcome players of any experience. Our u11s (24/25 season) train on Wednesday evenings and play in the Doncaster league on Sunday mornings. We are based at Misterton Sports Field, Marsh Lane, Misterton, DN10 4DL. All sessions are FREE.” Contact Emma on 07999 340079 for more details.
"We are in the process of trying to set up a women’s and junior team but the mid-week team does consist of ladies and is classed as a mixed team. See Facebook Misterton Phoenix Cricket Club or contact Jess 07774 238123 for details.
Spaces available!! Great chance to make friends and learn new skills with the Brownies. “We would love to have more girls to join our Brownies at the Village Hall in September. If you have a Daughter, Sister, Niece, or Grand daughter that you think would love to join our group then why not give Paula a call on 01427 811080. Thank you.”
"By joining Young Farmers you have the opportunity to gain and develop skills, work within your community, take part in FUN competitions, and enjoy a dynamic social life plus so MUCH more."
Ages 13 - 28yrs. For time and venue details phone 07958 472646 or 07932 434118
For more clubs for children and teens visit the Kids & Teens page which lists Gainsborough groups.
Valentines Dance and Pea & Pie Supper. Another great night with entertainment from Giant Hogweed. Doors open 7.30pm. Tickets £15 on sale now. Walkeringham Village Hall.
Annual Snowdrop Walk.
Enjoy the lovely Snowdrop Walk in the beautiful setting of Knaith Hall and take refreshments in St Mary’s Church. 10am - 4pm. Entrance £2.50 adults and free for children.
Coffee Morning in aid of Team Verrico, a charity supporting people with cancer. 10am - 12 noon. St Paul's Church. Morton. All Welcome.
"The Romans in North Nottinghamshire." A talk and display by Stuart Cattell and Steve Wright. A metal detectorists' view with a display of local finds. 7.45pm - doors open 7.30pm. Gringley Community Centre. For more details visit
"Mad, Bad, Lord Byron" talk by Graham Turnbull. £4 for non- members. Starts 7pm. Beckingham Village Hall. More details contact Maxine Downes 01427 848189.
" National Killers & State Assassins" Retired Police Chief Superintendent, Stuart Chapman will explore crimes such as the Salisbury Poisonings. 7.45pm - doors open 7.30pm. Gringley Community Centre. For more details visit
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