Did you know there are at least 16 places in Gainsborough that are community hubs or double up as community hubs? Gainsborough is very fortunate that so many organisations open up their premises as meeting places for community groups.
Gainsborough library holds a wide range of free ever-changing fun activities for kids. It also allows local organisations to host sessions highlighting their services as well as being home to regular community organisations. In addition it runs IT and Family History help sessions. A wonderful asset to our town!
The Bearded Fishermen are a Mental Health & Suicide Prevention charity serving Lincs & beyond. Their hub also hosts other community groups and runs a drop in coffee morning and youth club. For more details visit https://www.beardedfishermen.org.uk Contact 01427 433009 or 24hr support line 0300 3650019.
Riverside Training is part of Acis Group and is based above the Post Office in Market Street. Riverside offer a variety of free vocational training and skill enhancement courses. Visit www.riverside-training.org.uk , or phone 01427 677 277 for details.
The Hope Church also runs their weekly community Hope Kitchen serving light bites (pay what you can) and runs a weekly Baby & Toddler group and a weekly Youth Club. For more information visit https://www.hopechurchgainsborough.co.uk Contact 07712 725554, 07399 796102.
The Gainsborough Methodist Church is an extremely busy building! Apart from a range of church services, it runs a weekly social club, a monthly coffee morning and a monthly camera club. It also hosts several community groups including Tai Chi, U3a & the Gainsborough branch of Lincs Wildlife Trust.
Be assured of a very warm welcome at Connexions Community Hub. Home to The Performing Arts Club St Johns (PACS) for ages 12-25yrs it also holds a Community Coffee Morning/Warm Space on Tuesdays. Loads of opportunities for teens to get active here. Details of current events on the Connexions Facebook page or telephone 01427 678695.
All Saints Parish Church runs a community café five days a week, and several monthly groups including a Bereavement Support Group, Coffee Morning, and Crafting Group. Also hosts musical events throughout the year. For more information visit https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/14761 or phone the Parish Administrator: 07395 942778.
Part of Connexions Community Hub, the Chat, Chill and Connect Hub hosts a pre-school play group on Monday mornings and the Night Light Café on Monday evenings. It is also home to the Disability Social Network. Visit the Connexions Facebook page or telephone 01427 678695 for the latest events
The Venue at Roses in North Warren Rd is run by the Trinity Football Foundation. There are football teams for all ages and abilities. Gainsborough Rugby Club, Gainsborough Croquet Club and Roses Bowls Club are also based here. Several community groups including the Cancer Support Group, and a Knit & Natter group also run their weekly/monthly sessions at The Venue.
West Lindsey Leisure Centre (WLLC) is not just a fantastic fitness centre. It hosts wellbeing sessions such as Walking Cricket & Netball, both open to non-members. There is also a Fitness Group for Cancer sufferers ( sponsored by Lincoln City Foundation). A free weekly Youth Club also runs from the centre. For details of new events/session follow the WLLC Facebook page or ring 01427 615169.
Gainsborough Adventure Playground (GAPA) opens from 3.30pm – 6pm on Tues, Weds and Thurs. Plenty of outdoor and indoor activities for kids. A nursery school also operates from the site. GAPA also serves as a Feeding Gainsborough outlet for those requiring food parcels. Visit htpps://gainsboroughadventureplayground.co.uk for more details or phone 01427 617165.
Gainsborough Uphill Community Centre is the home of several community groups that meet on a regular basis - including Wellbeing Gals Gainsborough. It also hosts several one-off events.
The Cornerstone Christian Centre in Middlefield Lane, also runs the Uphills Community Hub at the centre on Wednesdays from 1.30pm - 4.30pm. The hub offers free hot drinks and small snacks at 50p and runs a small charity shop. A great place to socialise too.
St George’s Church runs a weekly Messy Church club for toddlers and holds Table Top Sales and various social events. Gainsborough Rainbow, Brownies & Girl Guide also run from here. Visit https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/14762 for more information. Contact the Parish Administrator: 07395 942778.
CLIP (Community Learning In Partnership) is based at The Bridge in Gainsborough. CLIP offers a range of training courses for both adults and teens to increase their skills. It also offers Wellbeing workshops to improve mental health and hosts social and support groups including Autism Support. Visit www.cliplearning.com or FB CLIP Gainsborough for the latest details or Tel 01427 677377.
Leap Housing is a registered charity and social landlord providing homes and support for homeless and vulnerable individuals. It runs community projects for local people and has regular drop-in sessions advising on housing, benefits and workplace issues. For details visit
https://www.leap.uk.com or ring 01522 563530.
The Salvation Army in Beaumont Street (next to Lidl) operates Gainsborough Foodbank from its premises on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm. It also hosts other community clubs during the week. Visit https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/gainsborough for more details or ring 01427 616353.
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