If you are anxious or worried about anything, feel bullied, or have problems at homes and need someone to talk to, staff at Childline are there for you. Calls are free of charge and lines are open 24hrs per day.
Weekly story time sessions. Fridays 10.30 start (term time only). Gainsborough Library. Cobden Street DN21 2NG. Tel 01522 782010 for more details.
Baby and toddler group Tuesdays 9-10.30am at St George’s Primary School, Lindsey Close. No charge and free refreshments for toddlers and mums and dads. Term time only. Contact Heather Hartley 01427 612553.
Toddler Group for 0-4yr olds with parent or carer. Every Weds 10am - 11.30am during term time. Plenty of indoor and outdoor activities. 50p per family. GAPA (Gainsborough Adventure Playground), Riseholme Rd. Tel 01427 617165.
Hi-Fives to all toddlers and parents. The Hope Church will be opening up their weekly Hi5 café for you! Have a snack, or lunch and a play. Friday mornings 10.30an – 1.30pm (Term time only). For more details visit https://www.hopechurchgainsborough.co.uk
Mini Messy Church Wednesdays 10.00 – 11.30am at St George’s Church. £1 per family includes food and craft. (School term time only). Contact Rev Liz Johnson 07798 914596 for more details. **Please note currently full - but names are being taken on a waiting list.
Singing, dancing and fun for early learners. Thursdays 11.15-11.35am. Free sessions held at Gainsborough Library.
Messy Play sessions Fridays 10.45am - 11.30am. Gainsborough Library. Term Time Only. Free.
Discover and Play sessions for newborns and pre-school age. Mondays 10am - noon. £3 per session. Chill, Chat, Connect at 100 Church Street.
Active Antz - activities for children under 5 yrs. Thursdays 9.30am - 11.30am. £4 per session. West Lindsey Leisure Centre, DN21 1EP. Phone 01427 615169 for more details
Let the journey begin! Mini Kickers football coaching for ages 3 - 6yrs. Mondays 5pm - 6pm. £4 per session. Gainsborough Trinity Foundation, The Venue, North Warren Rd, DN21 2TU. Tel 07788 185743.
Football sessions ages 4-6yrs. Thursdays. 5pm - 6pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Multi Sport sessions. Ages 4yrs - 7yrs. Mondays 5.30pm - 6.30pm.
Benjamin Adlard School Sports Hall. Tel Brad 7432 587894. Free.
For girls aged 5-7 years. Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. for 1hr 15m. Part of the Girl Guides Association. For more details visit https://www.girlguiding.org.uk
Beavers (6-8yrs ) Mondays 6 -8pm. Wide range of activities: Create Stacking, Kayaking, Cooking, Paddleboarding, Camping, Archery, Campfires. Location: 6th Gainsborough Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough DN21 2SG. For more information visit
Or Email Scouts@6thgainsborough.co.uk
Play sessions for kids, young people, and families. Qualified playworkers and volunteers on hand. Term time 3.30pm - 6pm Mon - Fri. Holidays 12pm - 4pm. GAPA, Riseholme Road, Gainsborough DN21 1NL. Phone 01427 617165.
For girls aged 7-10 years. Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. for 1hr 30m. Part of the Girl Guides Association. For more details visit https://www.girlguiding.org.uk
For girls aged 10 -14 years. Every Thursday at 7 pm for 1hr 30m. Part of the Girl Guides Association. For more details visit https://www.girlguiding.org.uk
Talent Development Centre. Mixed Football sessions ages 6yrs - 11yrs. Mondays 5.30pm - 7pm. All abilities welcome. £6 per session. Gainsborough Trinity Foundation based at The Venue, North Warren Rd. For more information visit https://gainsboroughtrinityfoundation.com or phone 07788 185743.
Wildcats Girls Football. Football sessions ages 5yrs - 11yrs. Mondays 6pm - 7pm. All abilities welcome. £4 per session. Gainsborough Trinity Foundation based at The Venue, Roses Sports Field, North Warren Rd. For more information visit https://gainsboroughtrinityfoundation.com or phone 07788 185743.
Junior Board Games Club. Thursdays 4pm - 5pm. Gainsborough library. Free sessions.
Kick Boxing Classes for kids over 6yrs. Ideal for beginners. Tues Juniors 6pm to 7pm, Thurs: Juniors 6pm to 7pm, Adults and juniors 7.15 to 8.15pm. Queen Elizabeth High School. First lesson free. Contact Maria for more details 07415 472931.
Kids Lego Club on Saturday mornings. Free weekly club. Note new extended time - now 9.30am - 12.00. Gainsborough Library.
The under 6's - under 9's meet at the Roses Sports Ground on Thursdays at 18.00 - 19.00. All levels welcome. For more information visit https://gainsboroughrufc.rfu.club
The under 10's - under 13's meet at the Roses Sports Ground on Thursdays at 18.00 - 19.30. For more information visit https://gainsboroughrufc.rfu.club
Cubs (8 - 10.5yrs) Tuesdays 18:40 - 20:00. Wide range of activities:
Create Stacking, Kayaking, Cooking, Paddleboarding, Camping, Archery, Campfires. 6th Gainsborough Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough DN21 2SG. For more information visit
Or Email Scouts@6thgainsborough.co.uk
Scouts (10.5 - 14yrs) Mondays 7pm - 9pm. Wide range of activities:
Create Stacking, Kayaking, Cooking, Paddleboarding, Camping, Archery, Campfires. 6th Gainsborough Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough DN21 2SG. For more information visit
Or Email Scouts@6thgainsborough.co.uk
Great opportunity. Join the Street Cricket group and learn new skills and make new friends. Thursdays 5pm - 6pm at West Lindsey Leisure Centre. Free and all equipment provided. Phone Justin 07554 432092.
Youth Club at Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Primary School 5yrs - 11yrs 5pm - 6.30pm. Loads of activities both indoors and outdoors. Free.
Dance classes aged 5 - 8 yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Wednesday 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Performing Arts classes 5 - 8 yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Thursdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Dance classes aged 9 - 12yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Wednesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Performing Arts classes 9 - 12 yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Thursdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
For girls aged 5yrs - 11 years. Every Wednesday 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Football sessions ages 7yrs - 9yrs. Thursdays. 6pm - 7pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Football sessions ages 10yrs - 13yrs. Thursdays. 7pm - 8pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Dodgeball. Ages 8yrs -12rs. Mondays 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School Sports Hall. Tel Brad 7432 587894. Free.
Football - Turn Up and Play. Ages 6yrs -9yrs. Mondays 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School MUGA. Tel Brad 7432 587894. Free.
Football - Turn Up and Play. Ages 10yrs - 12yrs. Mondays 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School MUGA. Tel Brad 7432 587894. Free.
Gainsborough RAF Air Cadets for ages 12-17yrs. Based at 170 Ropery Road, Gainsborough. For more information email adj.203@rafac.mod.gov.uk
For girls aged 10-14 years. Every Thursday at 7 pm for 1hr 30m. Part of the Girl Guides Association. For more details visit https://www.girlguiding.org.uk
Talent Development Centre. Football sessions for girls 11yrs - 16yrs. Mondays 7pm - 8pm. All abilities welcome. £4 per session. Gainsborough Trinity Foundation based at The Venue, Roses Sports Field, North Warren Rd. For more information visit https://gainsboroughtrinityfoundation.com
Run by Gainsborough Trinity Foundation. Football Kickabout - Football for youngsters aged 12-16 and of all skill levels , led by football coaches. Kids will be able to learn fundamental movement and football skills. Free for everyone, no advance registration needed. IMPORTANT - Appropriate footwear is necessary to be allowed on the football field.
Youth Club at Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Secondary 11-16yrs 6.30pm - 8pm. Loads of activities both indoors and outdoors. Free.
Run by The Bearded Fishermen, The Youth Cafe is for 11-16 year olds. Chill out and enjoy x-box, games, crafts, music plus loads of other activities. 20 Market Place. Free.
Youth Club. Ages 11yrs - 16yrs. Wednesdays 5pm - 6.30pm. The Venue, Roses Sports Field, North Warren Rd. Free to join in the fun!
Free Youth Club. A great opportunity to meet new friends, play games and join in with fun activities. "We can also offer confidential advice and support if you have any problems you would like to talk about". Ages 11 - 16 yrs. Fridays 4pm - 5.30pm. West Lindsey Leisure Centre. Free.
The Hope Church Youth Club meets on Thursdays at 7pm - 8pm. Ages 11-18. "Join us for fun, games, snacks and Jesus!" Hope Church, Station Approach (behind Marshall's Yard). Just turn up or phone 07712 725554 for more details.
Are you aged 14+? Then think about joining Connexions 4 Youth. There are plenty of activities for you to get involved in and make new friends along the way too. Find out more by contacting Casey on 07940 402644.
The Performing Arts Club St Johns (PACS) is a club for young people aged 12-25 and meets for rehearsals at the Connexions Hub, 6-8 Church Street on Monday evenings from 7-9pm. The club regularly performs throughout the year at local venues. For more details visit www.performingartsclubstjohns.co.uk or telephone 01427 372170 or 01427 678695.
Skating sessions. 4pm - 5.30pm. £4 per session plus £1 skate hire. West Lindsey Leisure Centre. Phone 01427 615169 for more information and to book.
Gainsborough Young Writers. A new FREE group for budding young writers. Launched by Writing East Midlands, monthly sessions begin 10am - 11.30am on Saturday Oct 12th at The Old Hall. For ages 10 - 17yrs. Scan the QR code or visit the young writers page on www.writingeastmidlands.co.uk for more details.
Gainsborough Musical Theatre Society is a charity based in Gainsborough that has been meeting for over 100 years. They put on musical theatre performances throughout the year including one full scale production a year. Find them on Facebook or visit their website https://gainsboroughmusica.wixsite.com/gmts to join them or find out more information.
Dance classes aged 13yrs - 16yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Wednesday 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Performing Arts classes aged 13 - 16yrs. Run by Wright Way Sports. Every Thursday 7.30pm - 8.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
Football for girls aged 12-14 years. Every Wednesday 6.30pm -7.30pm. Benjamin Adlard School, Sandsfield Lane. Free.
"By joining Young Farmers you have the opportunity to gain and develop skills, work within your community, take part in FUN competitions, and enjoy a dynamic social life plus so MUCH more."
Ages 13 - 28yrs. For time and venue details phone 07958 472646 or 07932 434118.
Explorers (14 - 18yrs)
Every other Monday 7pm - 9pm.
Create Stacking, Kayaking, Cooking, Paddleboarding, Camping, Archery, Campfires. 6th Gainsborough Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough DN21 2SG. For more information visit
Or Email Scouts@6thgainsborough.co.uk
Positive Futures organise a wide range of activities at various locations in Gainsborough for kids 8yrs – 16yrs. All sessions are FREE but require parental or guardian consent. For more details contact Blake Caldwell 07785 445140 or email blake.caldwell@lincolnshire.gov.uk
English Heritage are aiming to recruit a team of Youth Ambassadors at Gainsborough Old Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to take part in exciting local heritage projects. Ages 16 -18yrs.
“We are looking for people who can commit to 2-4 hours per month for the next 12 months. This will involve a mix of online and on-site meetings, with opportunities to join in with a variety of activities and roles.”
"The Information Session will include a Q&A about the Youth Ambassador role as well as a craft activity and a ghost tour of Gainsborough Old Hall with one of the site’s expert volunteers! Tea, cake and other refreshments will be provided."
To find out more details of the ambassador roles visit https://english-heritage.rosterfy.uk/roles/GIBn88zLwVRtxe8qq8QzAlHFezeyaF
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